Over 25 Years of Eco-Friendly Clothing | The Mountain

Over 25 Years of Eco-Friendly Clothing | The Mountain

Posted by Jodie Hoye | The Mountain on 1st Feb 2022

Eco-Friendly Clothing from The Mountain

Consumers are more interested than ever in buying products that don't damage the environment, and the fashion industry is no exception. "Sustainable clothing" and “sustainable fashion” are terms you've probably been hearing more and more lately. But what does it all mean? In short, the concepts refer to clothing that is produced while considering the best interests of the environment, and of society as a whole.

Eco-Friendly Clothing

So, what does sustainable fashion mean to The Mountain? We've been eco-friendly since the beginning, and our commitment to sustainability is only getting stronger. 

Water-based Inks

Water-based Inks for T-Shirt Printing

As part of our early commitment to sustainability, The Mountain chose to use environmentally friendly inks for printing, way before it became popular in the apparel industry. Our water-based inks are free of heavy metals, formaldehyde, and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APE), making them safe for people and the planet.

Water Recycling

Water Recycling Process

Since 2011, we have recycled over 4,000,000 gallons of water using our innovative Dye Oxidation Water Purification process. We figured out how to take the “waste” out of our production wastewater, resulting in a chemical-free water with balanced oxygen levels. This water from our facility is then reintroduced into our municipal wastewater stream for final processing.

Wondering what you can do to be more sustainable when it comes to fashion? There are lots of options, but here are a few of our favorites:

- Buy secondhand or vintage clothes whenever possible.

- Shop at eco-friendly brands like The Mountain.

- Buy natural fiber clothes made from materials like organic cotton and hemp.

- Recycle your old clothes instead of throwing them away.

There's no one right way to be sustainable when it comes to fashion. What matters most is that you find ways to be eco-friendly that work for you and your lifestyle. So go out and shop sustainably, knowing that you're supporting brands like The Mountain and are working hard to make a difference in the world.  To learn more about our process, visit our Green Manufacturing page, and to learn more about why we do it, visit Our Values page!