You'll Never Guess Who Is Santa's Favorite Animal T-Shirt Artist

You'll Never Guess Who Is Santa's Favorite Animal T-Shirt Artist

Posted by Jodie Hoye on 24th Jul 2017

There really are only two types of people in this world: those who like eggnog, and those who do not. Artist Dean Russo is the enigma.

I was happy to be tasked with the honor of interviewing Dean Russo for The Mountain’s "Behind The Artwear" series where we’ve been getting to know some of our artists on a more personal level. I think the last interview I conducted was an assignment in 11th-grade English and I chose a family member to grill, so I was excited to get back in the game. Pretty sure I nailed it. Here is the dirt on Dean Russo:

For Dean Russo, art is a broad term. It’s an expression of oneself, whether it is in the form of creating something visual on a canvas or playing drums in an Irish rock band, it is one unique voice. Russo is, quite clearly, an established loud mouth; His voice in the art world is bold and unmistakable! Being an avid animal lover, Dean started his career creating soulful animal portraits in his signature style. This has evolved into much more over the years and now even includes some famous music icons and historical figures.

Above: Bowie Silence (Covers Version)

Above: Lincoln Five Reflect

See him at work:

Dean insists that, like himself, all his fans are extremely normal people. He also insists that cats are "like aggressive ballerinas in whatever they do." (Do I sense a new Russo design in the works?)

Dean states, "My two favorite animals to paint are dog and lion. I feel that both, if they could talk, would have the most to say. I think that is why I can usually get the most from them to translate into color." Ironically, his second all-time favorite creation is " All Nine Lives," which is a cat piece. (First place went to "Mona Lisa (Iron Core Variable). It's one of the largest pieces I've ever done and has to be seen in person to appreciate.")

Above: Russo 9 Lives T-Shirt

Above: Mona Lisa (Iron Core Variable)

When asked about relaxing, Dean Russo admits that "Brooklyn is a hectic place to live these days, unlike when I grew up." His studio is just two miles from his home, and Dean (a self-identified workaholic) generally works from 9 AM to 9 PM, so that doesn't leave much down time. "Relaxing is difficult, so when I do, it is normally a trip far away. I love Vermont in the states, and I love Aruba in the Caribbean." Spoken like a true Pisces.

Dean Russo is a dreamer, a son, a baby brother, a father to 4 teenage girls (oh, my!), a lover of life, and a leader in the art world. Most importantly, however, Dean Russo has a sense of humor. How could you not when your life revolves around such an intimate act of self-expression?

When I asked him about Abyssinian, he said, "It was very difficult finding a purple cat who would sit still long enough to be my model." Dean believes in Santa, and Santa obviously believes in Dean as "Santa has been to my house every year of my life just past midnight no matter where I lived." Now that is an achievement!

Above: Abyssinian T-Shirt

Other fun facts about Dean Russo:

Favorite Mountain t-shirt you designed: Sitting Bull. "I wear it all the time."

Above: Sitting Bull T-Shirt

Favorite Mountain t-shirt you didn't design: Pug Face T-Shirt and Eagle Face T-Shirt

Above: Pug Face T-Shirt

Above: Eagle Face T-Shirt

Any pets?: 4 dogs. "The two younger pups (they are almost 2 years old now) go to the studio, but they are just too lazy to create, unless I am working on the floor and they decide my work is their floor mat."

How many pieces have you created?: "They say that Picasso has created about 50,000 works of art in his lifetime...I'm catching up with him."

And finally, the question you've all been waiting for: Does Dean Russo like eggnog? Most people will either 1. Get a magical twinkle in their eye and instantly salivate, or 2. Throw up a little in their mouth. Dean Russo did neither. Or did he do both? His response leaves me wanting more, yet also strangely satisfied: "I like the egg but not the nog."